Several videos on FBLS are made by members of the Flood-Based Livelihoods Network (FBLN) and other farmers, researchers and professionals. A special dossier has been dedicated to the topic of FBLS on TheWaterChannel. Dossier: ‘Livelihoods from Floods’.
Also, in partnership with UNW-DPC and with support of DUPC we are building up a series of video lectures – that can serve as direct learning and as training of trainers material. With this we hope to contribute to the objective of mainstreaming the topic of FBLS in education. You find these videos below.
Please contact us for ideas and copies.
Meeting Rural Livelihood and Climate Variability Challenges with Spate Irrigation
Abraham Mehari Haile
Water Rights and Distribution Rules in Spate Irrigation Systems
Kareem Nawaz
Minor crops in Spate Irrigation Systems in Pakistan
Kareem Nawaz
Sediment Transport in Spate Irrigation Systems
Phil Lawrence
Earthen Diversion Bunds and Spillways in Spate Irrigation
Noman Sadozai
Spate Hydrology, Wadi Morphology and Sediment
John Ratsey
Improved Traditional Engineering, Spate Irrigation in Hadreamawt, Yemen
Frank van Steenbergen
Spate Irrigation Systems in Sudan: A Missed Opportunity
Yasir A. Mohamed
Optimization of Farm Water Management, Spate Irrigation in Sudan
Janeiro Avelino
Improving Canal Irrigation in Sindh/Punjab, Pakistan
Controlling rodents – the eco friendly manner
Steven Belmain, Bastiaan Meerburg, Frank van Steenbergen
Soil Moisture Conservation and Field Water Management in Spate Irrigation
Abraham Mehari Haile
Spate Diversion Structures and Intakes
John Ratsey
Treatment of Dryland Valleys with Water Spreading Weirs on the Sahel region
Jozias Pieterse
Understanding Hydrological Process in Ephemeral Rivers
Abebe Demissie
Floods for Livelihoods in the Arid Lowlands of Ethiopia
Abraham Mehari Haile
Eritrea: Sheeb Indigenous Knowledge on Spate Irrigation System
Kebrom Emun