Module 1 Introduction
1.1 Spate Irrigation Global Trends
1.2 Typology
1.3 Spate Irrigation in Pakistan
1.4 Economic Costs and Benefits
1.5 Social and Environmental Benefits
1.6 Spate Irrigation in Yemen
Module 2 Institutions
2.1 Management of Spate Irrigation Systems
2.2 Water Rights and Rules
2.3 Sheeb Farmers Association
2.4 Case Daraban Zam WUA Water Rights in Perennial Rod Kohi Systems in DG Khan Water Rights Issues in DI Khan
Module 3 Participatory Development
3.1 Participatory Design
3.2 Self Evolving Institutions
3.3 Strengthening Farmer Organization
3.4 IIP Communication and Awareness Campaigns
3.5 WUA Contracts
3.6 IIP Developing Water User Organizations (Yemen)
3.7 Overview PLI Project (Pakistan)
Module 4 Soil and Water Management
4.1 Soil Management and Moisture Conservation
4.2 Field Water Management Systems
4.3 Command Area Structure
4.4 Groundwater Management in Spate Irrigation Systems
Module 5 Agronomy
5.1 Introduction Agronomy
5.2 Minor Crops in Pakistan
5.3 Sorghum
5.4 Horticulture in Spate Irrigation
5.5 Guar
5.6 Cotton
5.7 Highlights of AZRI Research DI Khan
5.8 Improved Grain Storage
Module 6 Engineering
6.1 Basic Engineering
6.2 Basic Sediment Transport
6.3 Improved Traditional Engineering
6.4 Drinking Water Ponds in Spate Irrigation Systems
6.5 Drinking Water from Dry Riverbeds
6.6 Case Hadramawt Improved Traditional Engineering
6.7 Case Soil Bunds in Pakistan
6.8 Case Wadi Labka Soil and Gabion Bunds
Evaluation of StructuresÂ
Water Management Improvements by WRRI
Module 7 Additional Material
7.1 Google Earth
7.2 Spate Irrigation Network
7.3 Field Image Survey