Even though the total area served by Flood-based farming systems (Spate irrigation, Flood inundation and recession, road water harvesting and flood spreading weirs) in Ethiopia not yet known, the potential is estimated to be more than 8,000,000 ha. Some of the areas practicing flood-based farming systems include Raya and Kobo valleys, Chifra, Omo Gibe basin, Konso, Boro Dodota, Borena and Wabishebele basin.
Strengthening our network
“From Africa to Asia and Back Again: Testing Adaptations in Flood Based Farming systems”: (2015- date):
“Multi Reservoir Operation and Challenges of the Omo River Basin: Potential Assessment of Flood Based Farming on lower Omo Ghibe Basin” Research study project financed by IGAD-IWRMP (2014) – for details click here
Potential Bright Spots for Flood-based Irrigation Systems in Turkana and Marsabit County, Northern Kenya (2015) – for details click here and here