Evaluation of Sorghum Varieties
Title: Evaluation of Sorghum Varieties Author: Kebrom Emun Type: Document Year: 2005 Description: Document on the multi-facetted evaluation of sorghum varieties – based on work in Eritrea.
Title: Evaluation of Sorghum Varieties Author: Kebrom Emun Type: Document Year: 2005 Description: Document on the multi-facetted evaluation of sorghum varieties – based on work in Eritrea.
Title: Spate Irrigation in Fokisa (Ethiopia) Author: Tesfa-alem Gebreegziabher Embaye Type: MSc thesis Year: 2009 Description: MSc thesis on sediment management and design of settling basins.
Title: Flood-Based Farming for Livelihoods in Ethiopia Lowlands Authors: Abraham Mehari Haile, Abebe Demissie, Tesfa-lem G. Embaye, Abiti Getaneh Type: Book, report Year: 2013 Description: This book is a result of a research visit to several areas in Ethiopia. It gives information on the status, potential of flood-based farming and the investments needed.
Title: Prefeasibility Study For Construction of Dispersal Structures on Zohb River Author: Cameos Consultants Year: 2012 Description: A report about the prefeasibility level study for the construction of 6 dispersal structures across Zhob River at different feasible locations and the assess the availability of water at the proposed structure sites through comprehensive water balance studies.
Title: Food-based Farming for Food Security and Adaptation to Climate Change in Ethiopia: Potential and Challenges – Proceedings of the Workshop held in Adema, Ethiopia, October 30 – 31, 2013 Editors: Teklu Erkossa, Fitsum Hagos, Nicole Lefore. Year: 2013 Description: The International Water Management Institute in East Africa and Nile Basin convened a learning spate
Document: Participatory Rural Appraisal for Diagnostic Analysis of spate irrigation systems in Raya Valley, Ethiopia Authors: Giulio Castelli and Elena Bresci Year: 2017 Description: This article describes the research to develop a participatory Diagnostic Analysis (DA) for a traditional non-modernised spate irrigation system in Raya Valley (Ethiopia), in order to involve local farmers within the
Title: Training for water practitioners; Objectives of the training, Overview, Handout, Exercise and Flood diversion Author: Abebe Demissie Chukalla Type: Documents and presentations (in pdf) Year: 2012 Description: Tailor-made training on Spate irrigation to the water practitioner working in the Woredas under SNNPR with request from SNNPR pastoralist office.
Title: Training for water practitioners; beneficiary use Author: Abebe Demissie Chukalla Type: Documents and presentations (in pdf) Year: 2012 Description: Tailor-made training on Spate irrigation to the water practitioner working in the Woredas under SNNPR with request from SNNPR pastoralist office.
Title: Bilan et potentialité des aménagements hydro-agricoles et région septentrionale de Kayes (Mali): quelles leçons pour le développement rural régional? (in French) Author: Jean-Louis Couture Year: 1996 Description: The article puts water management issues in the Kayes region in a historical and geographical context. The climate change crisis led stakeholders to offer diverse solutions for
Title: Revised PC-I Six Flood Dispersal Structures on NARI River Author: Cameos Consultants Year: 2011 Description: This document gives a detailed prescription of the Project which focuses on structures in the Nãri River in district Kacchi in Pakistan. Is project is part of the Public Service Development Program. The project assists in conserving flood water