November 17, 2021
by Reinier Veldman | 0 Comment
A combined approach to assess groundwater resources depletion in data-scarce areas; a case study in Wadi Zabid, Yemen
Title: A combined approach to assess groundwater resources depletion in data-scarce areas; a case study in Wadi Zabid, Yemen Author: Wahib Saif Mohsen Al-Qubatee Type: PhD thesis Description: Steady groundwater depletion resulting from overexploitation of groundwater is a problem in many arid and semi-arid regions. Hydro-economic models are often used to study groundwater depletion, to
June 24, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Relationship between Energy Inputs and Crop Production in DI Khan District (Pakistan): Summary, Intro and review, Methodology, Projections, Results, References, Results continued
Title: Relationship between Energy Inputs and Crop Production in DI Khan District (Pakistan): Summary, Intro and review, Methodology, Projections, Results, References, Results continued Author: Mohammad Azam Khan Type: Thesis Year: 1994 Description: PhD thesis comparing among others the use of tractors and animal traction in spate irrigation
June 24, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
A Tradition in Transition: Sheeb Spate Irrigation System in Eritrea
Title: A Tradition in Transition: Sheeb Spate Irrigation System in Eritrea Author: Abraham Mehari Haile Type: PhD thesis Year: 2007 Description: Thesis on all aspects of the Wadi Laba system – the management, water conservation and engineering interventions.
June 24, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Taking The Waters – Soil and Water Conservation among Settling Beja Nomads in Eastern Sudan
Title: Taking The Waters – Soil and Water Conservation among Settling Beja Nomads in Eastern Sudan Authors: Johan A. van Dijk Type: PhD thesis Year: 1995 Description: PhD thesis evaluating Soil and Water Conservation (SWC) techniques applied in The Border Area, an arid to semi-arid region in eastern Sudan. In the research there is a