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Book - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network

June 25, 2021

Dry Side of the Indus, Exploring Spate Irrigation in Pakistan

Title: Dry Side of the Indus, Exploring Spate Irrigation in Pakistan Authors: Rina Saeed Khan et al Type: Book Year: 2014 Description: This book describes for the very first time the special spate irrigation systems in Pakistan (“Rod Kohi”, “Sailaba” and “Nai”) and the societies they have given rise to.

June 25, 2021

Managing the Water Buffer

Title: Managing the Water Buffer Author: Frank van Steenbergen and Albert Tuinhof Type: Book Year: 2009 Description: This book explores how to maximize the use of groundwater and rainwater for development and climate change adaption in an approach called 3R. This book is the first of the 3R series.

June 25, 2021

An economic evaluation of flood dike construction in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam

Title: An economic evaluation of flood dike construction in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam Author: Van Kien Nguyen Type: Book Year: 2014 Description: This book is about the comparison of costs and benefits of alternative dyke constructions (seasonal August dykes and permanent High dykes) for agricultural production in Vietnam’s Mekong Delta using a case study if

June 24, 2021

Traditional Irrigation Systems & Methods of Water Harvesting (English)

Title: Traditional Irrigation Systems & Methods of Water Harvesting (English). Author: Salem Abdullah Baquhaizel Type: Book Year: 1996/printed edition 2011 Description: This book gives many practical insights in the sophisticated traditional spate irrigation techniques in this part of Yemen – such as conical abutments and traditional bed stablizers. Limited hard copies are available on request.

June 24, 2021

Traditional Irrigation Systems & Methods of Water Harvesting (English)

Title: Traditional Irrigation Systems & Methods of Water Harvesting (English). Author: Salem Abdullah Baquhaizel Type: Book Year: 1996/printed edition 2011 Description: This book gives many practical insights in the sophisticated traditional spate irrigation techniques in this part of Yemen – such as conical abutments and traditional bed stablizers. Limited hard copies are available on request.