November 22, 2021
by Reinier Veldman | 0 Comment
Participatory rural appraisal to assess groundwater resources in Al Mujaylis Tihama Coastal Plain Yemen
Title: Participatory rural appraisal to assess groundwater resources in Al-Mujaylis, Tihama Coastal Plain, Yemen Author: Wahib Al-Qubatee, Henk Ritzema, Adel Al-Weshali, Frank van Steenbergen & Petra J. G. J. Hellegers Type: Research Paper Description: A participatory rural appraisal (PRA) conducted in the Al-Mujaylis area, Tihama Coastal Plain, Yemen provided a contribution, as a bottom-up approach,
June 25, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
The War Impact on Food Security in the Tihama Region. Case Study: Wadi Zabid and Wadi Siham
Document: The War Impact on Food Security in the Tihama Region. Case Study: Wadi Zabid and Wadi Siham Authors: Unknown Year: 2017 Description: This report describes the assessment study to quantify the impact of the ongoing war on food security to support the efforts of the international community to pursue their assistance for the affected
June 25, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Technical sheet: Road-side borrow pits as ponds for off-season small-scale irrigation
Document: Technical sheet: Road-side borrow pits as ponds for off-season small-scale irrigation Author: Frank van Steenbergen, Published by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Year: 2017 Description: This case study discusses the systematic conversion of borrow pits as rainwater harvesting ponds for off-season small-scale irrigation. The overall goal of this case study is to contribute
June 25, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Technical sheet: Promoting the use of shallow groundwater for small-scale irrigation
Document: Technical sheet: Promoting the use of shallow groundwater for small-scale irrigation Author: Frank van Steenbergen Year: 2017 Description: This case study discusses the use of shallow groundwater for off-season small-scale irrigation. The overall goal of this case study is to contribute to the replication and scaling up of this type of technologies and practices
June 25, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Manual for rooftop rainwater harvesting systems, Yemen
Title: Manual for rooftop rainwater harvesting systems, Yemen Author: Dr. Sharafaddin A.A. Saleh, Prof. Dr. Taha M. Taher & Prof. Dr. Abdulla A. Noaman Type: Manual Year: 2017 Description: Manual for rooftop rainwater harvesting systems in the republic of Yemen prepared by WEC, MetaMeta and Sana’a University
June 25, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Spate irrigated crops in Sindh, Balochistan and the Punjab
Title: Spate irrigated crops in Sindh, Balochistan and the Punjab Author: Management and Development Foundation (MDF) Type: Field research report Year: 2017 Description: Field research report on spate irrigated crops in Sindh, Balochistan and the Punjab in Pakistan.
June 24, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Technical sheet: Roof catchment rainwater harvesting system with a geomembrane bag
Document: Technical sheet: Roof catchment rainwater harvesting system with a geomembrane bag Authors: Eduardo Gonzalez and Pierre Diégane Year: 2017 Description: This case study discusses the use of an innovative and cost-efficient roof catchment rainwater harvesting system for off-season small-scale irrigation. The overall goal of this case study is to contribute to the replication and
June 24, 2021
by Marina Vara | 0 Comment
Participatory Rural Appraisal for Diagnostic Analysis of spate irrigation systems in Raya Valley, Ethiopia
Document: Participatory Rural Appraisal for Diagnostic Analysis of spate irrigation systems in Raya Valley, Ethiopia Authors: Giulio Castelli and Elena Bresci Year: 2017 Description: This article describes the research to develop a participatory Diagnostic Analysis (DA) for a traditional non-modernised spate irrigation system in Raya Valley (Ethiopia), in order to involve local farmers within the