This part of the website contains the library of the FBLN network and it strives to serve as a platform to disseminate and share our findings, project reports and experiences in different aspects of FBLS; technical, socio-economical, historical as well as policy and legislative aspects. Basically anything goes. We want to use the Resources Documents as a source of original material on FLBS, irrespective of the topic or the quality of the language.
In the library section there is a range of documents from the academic and practitioners perspective, some going as far back as 1872. The library can be searched using the search function of the website (magnifying glass in the upper left corner) and the documents are categorized on year of publication and document type (report, thesis, briefing note, paper, book, etc.). The documents can downloaded for your own use.
If you have useful material, you are kindly invited to submit your work to info(at)floodbased.org. When possible please accompany your papers or photos with a brief 10 – 20 word intro and we will include it in the library.