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Newsletters - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 4

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February 23, 2021

Newsflash September 2019

Professor Yasir Abbas Mohamed Appointed as the Minister of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity in the Republic of Sudan Dear Professor Yasir Abbas Mohamed, we are delighted with your appointment as the Minister of Water Resources, Irrigation and Electricity (WRIE). Heartfelt congratulations from your family members of the Flood-based Livelihood Network (FBLN) Foundation.Dear FBLN community,

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February 23, 2021

Newsflash November 2019

Welcome to the November newsflash of the Flood-based Livelihoods Network. We have gathered an interesting and exiting overview of developments and resources from within our network. Feel free to share your feedback, news or ideas with us through info@floodbased.org.Enjoy the reading! Reflection on the DREAM conference in Afar, Ethiopia The DREAM ASAL 2019 conference took place

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February 23, 2021

Newsflash January 2020

On behalf of the Flood-Based Livelihoods Network we are wishing you a fruitful new year 2020. We trust it will be a year in which the network will be able to grow and have impact through increased cooperation and exchange. We have prepared a new Newsflash for you full with updates from the network from

February 23, 2021

Newsflash February 2020

We have prepared a new Newsflash for you full with updates from the network from Yemen, Ethiopia, Pakistan, Kenya and more, including the newest resources and papers published. Feel free to share your feedback, news or ideas with us through: info@floodbased.org. Enjoy the reading! Pakistan – solar packs for rural equipment The FBLN is working with