Whereas we have all been promoting good practices in flood based farming, we now want to draw your attention to a horribly bad experience: the willful destruction of spate irrigation facilities in Yemen’s Tihama region. The Tihama was once the food basket of the country, but the aerial bombing of irrigation facilities has reduced the capacity of the systems by more than half. This means food insecurity, rising food prices and loss of agricultural income opportunities. The willful destruction of irrigation facilities is inhuman and in violation of internationally accepted war protocols. Besides the destroyed irrigation facilities in Yemen, more than half of the drinking water facilities no longer function; spelling more morbidity and disaster.
Please read (http://thewaterchannel.tv/thewaterblog/473-starving-the-tihama-impact-of-war-on-spate-irrigation-systems-in-yemen) and watch (http://www.thewaterchannel.tv/media-gallery/6439-the-starving-tihama-yemen) and (http://www.thewaterchannel.tv/media-gallery/6412-yemen-s-humanitarian-situation-the-impact-of-war)
We kindly ask you to forward this message to those around you – those in power and those concerned – asking them to raise it and not let this abuse by warring parties go unnoticed or unpunished.