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- Create Date 19 April 2022
- Last Updated 19 April 2022
Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa, Guidelines to good practice
Title: Sustainable rangeland management in Sub-Saharan Africa, Guidelines to good practice
Authors: Hanspeter Liniger and Rima Mekdaschi Studer (lead authors)
Type: Guidelines
Description: The overall goal of the guidelines is to contribute to improved rangeland management by illustrating a wide range of innovative
rangeland management practices, grouping them, clarifying their characteristics and requirements, and by illustrating their impacts on ecosystem services and human wellbeing. The ultimate aim is to demonstrate – through this unique set of convincing case studies – the value and potential of investment in rangelands. It is also hoped that this exercise will stimulate, and assist, the identification of further cases. The guidelines attempt to provide:
- A practical guideline for the formulation of rangeland policies and investments programmes in rangelands
- A common knowledge base for improved decision-making
- A starting point for ‘how-to-do’ that can be complemented and expanded in future
- The basis for knowledge sharing workshops and programmes with various African stakeholders, and training beyond the mere dissemination of these guidelines
- An attractive, illustrative, straightforward and readerfriendly book to help inform the future development of SRM.
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