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Year - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 9

June 25, 2021

Sharing Experiences among Water User Association in Spate Irrigated Schemes – Regional WUA workshop report and Photo album

Title: Sharing Experiences among Water User Association in Spate Irrigated Schemes – Regional WUA workshop report and Photo album Author: Spate Irrigation Network Yemen Year: 2013 Description: This report draws upon the knowledge and experience sharing workshop that was held in Al-Hodeida, Yemen in November 2013. The workshop brought together farmers and professionals active in

June 25, 2021

Guidelines for Spate Irrigation

Title: Guidelines for Spate Irrigation Author: Frank van Steenbergen, Philip Lawrence, Abraham Mehari Haile, Maher Salman and Jean-Marc Faurès Type: Document Year: 2010 Description: This documents assists planners and practitioners in designing and managing spate irrigation projects. It covers hydrology, engineering, agronomy, local organizations and rules, wadi basin management and the economics. It is designed

June 25, 2021

Roads in Floodplains

Title: Roads in Floodplains Author: Frank van Steenbergen Type: Presentation Year: 2018 Description: Overview of the benefits, design and recommendations of roads in floodplains.

June 25, 2021

Dynamics of Spate Irrigation (in Spanish)

Title: Dynamics of Spate Irrigation (in Spanish) Author: SOS Faim Type: Document Year: 2006 Description: A nice introduction into the subject, with useful references to the work of SOS Faim in the Western Lowlands in Eritrea (Gash-Barka).

June 25, 2021

Dynamics of Spate Irrigation (in French)

Title: Dynamics of Spate Irrigation (in French) Author: SOS Faim Type: Document Year: 2006 Description: A nice introduction into the subject, with useful references to the work of SOS Faim in the Western Lowlands in Eritrea (Gash-Barka).

June 25, 2021

Dynamics of Spate Irrigation (in English)

Title: Dynamics of Spate Irrigation (in English) Author: SOS Faim Type: Document Year: 2006 Description: A nice introduction into the subject, with useful references to the work of SOS Faim in the Western Lowlands in Eritrea (Gash-Barka).

June 25, 2021

Spate Irrigation, Livelihood Improvement and Adaptation to Climate Variability and Climate Change

Title: Spate Irrigation, Livelihood Improvement and Adaptation to Climate Variability and Climate Change Author: Frank van Steenbergen et al. Type: Document Year: 2008 Description: Whereas spate irrigation is the ultimate adaptation to climate variability, this document prepared for IFAD and is and overview of likely impact of climate change an practical possibilities for livelihood improvement.

June 25, 2021

Overview of Spate Irrigation in Yemen (document)

Title: Overview of Spate Irrigation in Yemen (document) Author: Dr. Sharafaddin Abdullah Saleh Type: Document Year: 2009 Description: Overview of areas, main techniques and supplementary interventions.