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Year - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 8

June 25, 2021

Progress reports Kassala Area Development Activities

Title: Progress reports Kassala Area Development Activities No: 26 Author: Unknown Year: 1983 – 1993 Description: Progress reports of the Kassala Area Development Activities (KADA) programme a joint project between the government of Sudan and the Netherlands that has run from 1983 – 1993.

June 25, 2021

Jessours IRA Tunisia

Title: Jessours IRA Tunisia Year: 2016 Type: Presentation Description: This presentation -used during the WAHARA-meetings in Zambia- gives information on Water harvesting in Tunisia and the rehabiliation of around 40 jessour units and their spillways

June 25, 2021

Gash Delta Project

Title: Gash Delta Project Author: Ahmed Tirik and Kees Hopmans Type: Report Year: 1994 Description: This report describes the Gash Delta project, a program which focussed on on-farm flood management, crop choice and further testing on other crops including foddercrops in the Gash Delta in Sudan.

June 25, 2021

Sudan Water Resources Management project; Rinal Mission Report

Title: Sudan Water Resources Management project; Rinal Mission Report Author: TNO Year: 1994 Description: This is the last and final report summarizing the results of a number of training missions, given by the TNO Institute of Applied Geoscience (TNO-IGG) to the Technical Committees (TC) in Nyala and Kassala. The general aim was to train both

June 25, 2021

Concept paper on Spate Irrigation and Irrigation sector development in Awaran District

Title: Concept paper on Spate Irrigation and Irrigation sector development in Awaran District Author: Spate Irrigation Network Pakistan Type: Paper Year: 2015 Description: This paper describes the current situation and possibilities regarding spate irrigation and irrigation sector development in Awaran District in Balochistan, Pakistan.

June 25, 2021

Evaluation of Four Spate Irrigation Systems in Tigray (Ethiopia)

Title: Evaluation of Four Spate Irrigation Systems in Tigray (Ethiopia) Author: Daniel Teka et al. Type: Document Year: 1997 Description: Evaluation of recently government constructed spate system in mid-highlands of Tigray.

June 25, 2021

Dry Side of the Indus, Exploring Spate Irrigation in Pakistan

Title: Dry Side of the Indus, Exploring Spate Irrigation in Pakistan Authors: Rina Saeed Khan et al Type: Book Year: 2014 Description: This book describes for the very first time the special spate irrigation systems in Pakistan (“Rod Kohi”, “Sailaba” and “Nai”) and the societies they have given rise to.

June 25, 2021

Technical sheet: Road-side borrow pits as ponds for off-season small-scale irrigation

Document: Technical sheet: Road-side borrow pits as ponds for off-season small-scale irrigation Author: Frank van Steenbergen, Published by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany Year: 2017 Description: This case study discusses the systematic conversion of borrow pits as rainwater harvesting ponds for off-season small-scale irrigation. The overall goal of this case study is to contribute

June 25, 2021

Managing the Water Buffer

Title: Managing the Water Buffer Author: Frank van Steenbergen and Albert Tuinhof Type: Book Year: 2009 Description: This book explores how to maximize the use of groundwater and rainwater for development and climate change adaption in an approach called 3R. This book is the first of the 3R series.

June 25, 2021

Technical sheet: Promoting the use of shallow groundwater for small-scale irrigation

Document: Technical sheet: Promoting the use of shallow groundwater for small-scale irrigation Author: Frank van Steenbergen Year: 2017 Description: This case study discusses the use of shallow groundwater for off-season small-scale irrigation. The overall goal of this case study is to contribute to the replication and scaling up of this type of technologies and practices