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Year - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 21

June 24, 2021

Participatory Approach for Improvements in Spate Irrigation Systems

Title: Participatory Approach for Improvements in Spate Irrigation Systems Author: Giulio Castelli Type: MSc thesis Year: 2014 Description: The purpose of this study has been to develop and test a participatory framework for selection and design of effective improvements in spate systems in Raya Valley, Ethiopia. A participatory approach based on Diagnostic Analysis was realised

June 24, 2021

Title: Les “bouches de l’eau” du pays Soninké (in French)

Title: Les “bouches de l’eau” du pays Soninké (in French) Author: Jean-Louis Couture Year: 1997 Description: In the Sahel rural development and water projects often implement imported technical models. This transfer of foreign technologies and management systems shows little interest in understanding local land and water management systems. The document describes important technological and social

June 24, 2021

Bilan et Potentialités des Aménagements Hydro-agricoles en Région Septrentrionale de Kayes (Mali): Quelles leçons pour le Développement Rural Régional?

Title: Bilan et Potentialités des Aménagements Hydro-agricoles en Région Septrentrionale de Kayes (Mali): Quelles leçons pour le Développement Rural Régional? Author: Jean-Louis Couture Year: 1996 Description: This document elaborates on the development and enhancement of bas-fonds in Mali. It was prepared for a seminar in 1996 organised by the Institute of Rural Economy (IER) in

June 24, 2021

Flood Recession Farming – An Overview and Case Study from the Upper Awash Catchment, Ethiopia

Title: Flood Recession Farming – An Overview and Case Study from the Upper Awash Catchment, Ethiopia Author: Sander Coenraads Nederveen Type: Thesis Year: 2012 Description: Besides an overview of FRF in Africa, this thesis describes a case study in the Upper Awash river in Ethiopia. A possible relationship between floods and productivity of FRF was

June 24, 2021

Drinking Water Ponds in Mithi Tharparkar Pakistan

Title: Drinking Water Ponds in Mithi Tharparkar Pakistan Author: Allah Bakhsh Type: Document Year: 2012 Description: A document about a field visit to the district Mithi Tharparkar (Pakistan), a dry area. It describes the use, storage and collection of water, especially in Barnilio Village DWSS and Dedh Village.

June 24, 2021

Traditional Irrigation Systems & Methods of Water Harvesting (English)

Title: Traditional Irrigation Systems & Methods of Water Harvesting (English). Author: Salem Abdullah Baquhaizel Type: Book Year: 1996/printed edition 2011 Description: This book gives many practical insights in the sophisticated traditional spate irrigation techniques in this part of Yemen – such as conical abutments and traditional bed stablizers. Limited hard copies are available on request.

June 24, 2021

Wadi Siham, Yemen, Development of Water Management

Title: Wadi Siham, Yemen, Development of Water Management Author: Laura Bonzanigo & Cecilia Borgia Type: MSc thesis Year: 2009 Description: A thesis on water management and organization since modernization of the infrastructure.

June 24, 2021

Hydrological Analysis of Wadi Zabid

Title: Hydrological Analysis of Wadi Zabid Author: Arcadis Euroconsult Type: Document Year: 2003 Description: Hydrological analysis (IIP Working paper) on Wadi Zabid, but also information on other emphemeral rivers in Yemen.

June 24, 2021

Manual Participatory Design

Title: Manual Participatory Design Author: Arcadis Euroconsult Type: Document Year: 2004 Description: This document from the Irrigation Improvement Project outlines the steps for participatory design. The IIP worked on improved spate irrigation in two wadis in Yemen

June 24, 2021

Assessment of water users associations in Spate Irrigation Systems: Case Study of Gash Delta Agricultural Corporation, Sudan

Title: Assessment of water users associations in Spate Irrigation Systems: Case Study of Gash Delta Agricultural Corporation, Sudan Authors: Eltigani Elnour Bashir, Ali Mohamed Adeeb, Hassan Mohamed Ahmed Year: 2014 Description: The purpose of this study is to assess Water Users Associations technically, financially and administratively as being partially responsible for spate irrigation system management