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Year - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 17

June 24, 2021

Climate Change Scenarios and Possible Adaptation Measures

Title: Climate Change Scenarios and Possible Adaptation Measures Author: Intercooperation Year: 2013 Description: A document on the impact of elimate change on agriculture and water resources under different elimate change scenarios that are likely to occur in districts Chitral and Dl Khan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. An understanding of likely scenarios in elimate change is essential

June 24, 2021

BCIAP Design manual Part 4: Infiltration Galleries

Title: BCIAP Design manual Part 4: Infiltration Galleries Authors: Halcrow, Euroconsult, Nespak, Techno Consult Year: 2002 Description: This manual is based on the Balochistan Minor Irrigation Agricultural Development Project (BMIADP) Infiltration Gallery Design Manual. This Balochistan Community Irrigation and Agriculture Project (BCIAP) manual covers all aspects of infiltration gallery design and construction and includes additional

June 24, 2021

Flood Based Farming Practices in Tigray: Status and Potential

Title: Flood Based Farming Practices in Tigray: Status and Potential Author: Mehari Hiben Year: 2014 Description: In Raya spate irrigation has been practiced for centuries. This report encompasses the current status of flood base farming development, summarizes the experiences so far and formulates a number of recommendations on the development of this upcoming resource management

June 24, 2021

Study of Soil Moisture

Title: Study of Soil Moisture Author: Debesom Haish Type: Document Year: 2003 Description: Soil moisture management is very critical to high performance in spate irrigation. This study discusses soil moisture in two spate irrigation areas in the eastern lowlands of Eritrea.

June 24, 2021

Report Tihama Environment Protecting Project Sand Dune Stabilisation Programme (Aleolian sand formations of the Tihama-geomorphology and assessment of sand stabilisation programmes)

Title: Report Tihama Environment Protecting Project Sand Dune Stabilisation Programme (Aleolian sand formations of the Tihama-geomorphology and assessment of sand stabilisation programmes) Author: Hunting Technical Services Ltd Type: Report Year: 1999 Description: Final report of the dune dynamics in the Tihama area – with sand dune formation being a constant threat to the spate command

June 24, 2021

Detailed Case Study of Various Aspects of Dodota System

Title: Detailed Case Study of Various Aspects of Dodota System Author: John Paul van den Ham Type: MSc thesis Year: 2008 Description: The Dodata system covers 5.000 ha and is in fact in between spate irrigation and semi perennial irrigation.

June 24, 2021

Farmers Scheme Operation and Maintenance Manual (Marufzai Flood Irrigation System)

Title: Farmers Scheme Operation and Maintenance Manual (Marufzai Flood Irrigation System) Author: Halcrow – Euroconsult – NESPAK – Techno consult Type: Manual Year: 2001 Description: Sample farmers manual for operation and maintenance arrangements regarding the flood water use in Marufzai Area, Pakistan.

June 24, 2021

Balochistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project

Title: Balochistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project Author: Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd Type: Document Year: 1993 Description: Example of thorough feasibility report for spate irrigation system development in Balochistan (Pakistan).

June 24, 2021

Balochistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project

Title: Balochistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project Author: Halcrow, Euroconsult Year: 1992 Description: Proposed investigations, planning and design methods, and conceptual plans and designs for spate irrigation headworks and distribution works.

June 24, 2021

Introduction to Spate Irrigation

Title: Introduction to Spate Irrigation Author: Maung Maung Htay Year 2010 Description: This document gives lots of information on spate irrigation, especially in Myanmar.