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Document - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 7

June 24, 2021

Preparation of Hill Torrent Management Plan in CRBC (Pakistan)

Title: Preparation of Hill Torrent Management Plan in CRBC (Pakistan) Author: Muhammad Yunus Javed et al. Type: Document Year: 2007 Description: The development of the perennial irrigation command of the Chasma Right Bank Canal at the tail of spate irrigation/rod kohi systems in DI Khan had many impacts on the spate systems, socially and hydrologically.

June 24, 2021

Moisture Management in Eritrea (in Tigrinya)

Title: Moisture Management in Eritrea (in Tigrinya) Author: ILEIA Type: Document Description: Explanation of agronomic practices yielding to very high yields in Sheeb.

June 24, 2021

History of Daraban Zam (Pakistan)

Title: History of Daraban Zam (Pakistan) Author: Fahim Iqbal Type: Document Year: 2007 Description: Describes the development of spate irrigation and the water rights and water management system in Daraban Zam, one of the larger ephemeral river systems in DI Khan, NWFP, Pakistan.

June 24, 2021

Case Study from Northern Ethiopia

Title: Case Study from Northern Ethiopia Author: Mitiku Haile & Diress Tsegaye Type: Document Description: Critical review of work on spate irrigation in Tigray/Afar Regions.

June 24, 2021

Study of Soil Moisture

Title: Study of Soil Moisture Author: Debesom Haish Type: Document Year: 2003 Description: Soil moisture management is very critical to high performance in spate irrigation. This study discusses soil moisture in two spate irrigation areas in the eastern lowlands of Eritrea.

June 24, 2021

Experience with Improved Drinking Water Ponds in DI Khan (Pakistan)

Title: Experience with Improved Drinking Water Ponds in DI Khan (Pakistan) Author: Arshad Haroon Type: Document Description: Overview of work on improved surface drinking water ponds in DI Khan, supported by the Swiss Supported PLI project.

June 24, 2021

Balochistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project

Title: Balochistan Minor Irrigation and Agricultural Development Project Author: Sir William Halcrow & Partners Ltd Type: Document Year: 1993 Description: Example of thorough feasibility report for spate irrigation system development in Balochistan (Pakistan).

June 24, 2021

Water spreading wears for the development of degraded dry river valleys

Title: Water spreading wears for the development of degraded dry river valleys Author: GIZ and KfW Type: Document Description: This document describes the new approach involving the construction of water spreading weirs that was developed in recent years in the Sahel region, and thus to make it an attractive option for other semi-arid regions as