Roads in Floodplains
Title: Roads in Floodplains Author: Frank van Steenbergen Type: Presentation Year: 2018 Description: Overview of the benefits, design and recommendations of roads in floodplains.
Title: Roads in Floodplains Author: Frank van Steenbergen Type: Presentation Year: 2018 Description: Overview of the benefits, design and recommendations of roads in floodplains.
Title: Roads Rain Water Harvesting in Yemen Author: Dr. Sharafaddin Abdullah Ahmed Saleh Type: Course document Year: 2018 Description: Course material on Roads Rain Water Harvesting (RRWH) in Yemen, Towards Development and Management of Roads for Water
Title: Gender and Governance of Spate Irrigations Systems in the Raya Valley Author: Aurora Righetti Type: Research Report Year: 2018 Description: Research report of a research carried out in May 2018 in Ethiopia on gender and governance of spate irrigation systems in the Raya Valley, Ethiopia
Title: SMART technologies for improved livelihoods and environmental management Author: MetaMeta Type: Report Year: 2018 Description: Report describing SMART technologies for improved livelihoods and environmental management that have been developed by MetaMeta and implemented by its partners all over the world.
Title: Research Report – Soil Fertility Management Through Alternate Strip of Inter-Crops in Spate Irrigated Areas of Dera Ghazi Khan Author: Dr. Khuram Mubeen Type: Report Year: 2018 Description: Report describing soil fertility management through alternate strip of inter-crops in spate irrigated areas of Dera Ghazi Khan in Pakistan
Title: Overcoming dry-spells with Flood Based Farming Systems (FBLS) in Malawi Author: Blessings Jeranji & Macpherson Nthara Type: Field visit report Year: 2018 Description: report based on a field day and farmer exchange visit on rain water harvesting and FBLS during the dry-spell January 2018 in Malawi. 101. Title: Relationship between Energy Inputs and Crop
Title: Resource conservation through strip cropping of chickpea, tamara and lentil in spate irrigated areas Author: Jawad Amin Type: MSc Thesis Year: 2018 Description: Msc thesis on resource conservation through strip cropping of chickpea, tamara and until in spate irrigated areas in Pakistan
Title: Evaluating the potential of road rain water harvesting in Yemen. A case study of the Maghrabah Manakah Bab Bahil Road, Sana’a governorate Authors: Mohammed A. Al-Abyadh Type: MSc-thesis Year: 2018 Description: A research evaluating the potential for road rain water harvesting in a catchment in Yemen including several design recommendations for three roads.