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2014 - Flood-Based Livelihoods Network - Page 2

June 24, 2021

Flood Based Farming Practices in Tigray: Status and Potential

Title: Flood Based Farming Practices in Tigray: Status and Potential Author: Mehari Hiben Year: 2014 Description: In Raya spate irrigation has been practiced for centuries. This report encompasses the current status of flood base farming development, summarizes the experiences so far and formulates a number of recommendations on the development of this upcoming resource management

June 24, 2021

Towards Improved Design of Diversion Structures in Spate Irrigation System: Case Study of Raya Valley, Ethiopia

Title: Towards Improved Design of Diversion Structures in Spate Irrigation System: Case Study of Raya Valley, Ethiopia Author: Hintsa Libsekal Gebremariam Type: MSc thesis Year: 2014 Description: In this study in Raya Valley, Ethiopia spate irrigation schemes were investigated and current design problems identified. The author developed problem based design alternatives and gives recommendations on